Med Youth is a network that brings together 250 committed young people in 17 countries around the Mediterranean

It is open to all young Mediterranean people who are committed to defending equality between all, solidarity and social justice in their territories. It creates bridges between our countries in order to build common solutions to the current serious challenges, for a peaceful future in the Mediterranean.

Context in the Mediterranean Context in the Mediterranean Objectives of Med Youth Objectives of Med Youth

Our story

Zoom January 28, 2025 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. French time

On Monday December 2, the 22 participants in the Mob in Med! project met online for the first time for a Kickoff Meeting 🎉. This webinar was an opportunity to : 🤝 introduce the partners 🌍 present Mob in Med! 📸 get to know each other through a photolanguage workshop

The Jeunesses Med network and the Réseau Euromed France (REF), in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, are launching the Mob in Med! project.

Webinar: Rurality

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 5pm (Paris time)

Call for tenders for an illustrator

REF - Réseau Euromed France and the Jeunesses Med network, in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, are looking for an illustrator for their "Mob in Med!

See the Rencontre Jeunesses Med in the Italian press and on Italian television!

July 2024

Do you work with people of different generations in your hiring environment? How does this work, and what approach do you take? Join us for the next Jeunesses Med webinar and share your experience with others who can benefit from it, on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 5pm (Paris time, mind the time difference!).

A look back at the Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria!

The 7th edition of the Rencontre Jeunesses Med was held this year in Reggio Calabria (Italy), from June 12 to 15, 2024, and brought together some 70 young people from 16 countries.

The Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria draws to a close!

Around 70 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean gathered in Reggio Calabria (Italy) from June 12 to 15, 2024 for the 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med! Here's a look back at 4 unforgettable days.

Set course for Reggio Calabria!

Breaking news: the 7th annual meeting of the Jeunesses Med network will take place this year in Reggio Calabria, Italy! And after weeks of anticipation, the selection results for the young participants will be announced in mid-March!

January 2024

Being a committed young artist has its particularities, especially in the context of the various countries around the Mediterranean, where it's not always easy to practice and disseminate one's art, especially when it carries a message.

November 2023

Do young people feel free to express themselves online? What is the relationship between freedom of expression in the public space and the digital space?

As part of the planned campaign on youth mobility and migration in the Mediterranean, the Jeunesses Med network would like to hear the opinions of young people aged between 18 and 35, from 17 Mediterranean countries*, in order to bring their voices, opinions and testimonies into the public arena.

July 2023

Do you have a project, or an idea for a project, concerning gender equality? This call may be of interest to you! Do you have a project, or an idea for a project, that relates to gender equality? This call might interest you! هل لديك مشروع أو فكرة لمشروع يتعلق بالمساواة الجندريّة؟ قد تهمّك هذه الدعوة!

What is the reality of LGBTQ+ rights in the Mediterranean region? Join us to review the state of these communities in several countries of the region, on Wednesday July 12 at 5pm.

Open Webinar

We're back with a new cycle of webinars for 2023!

March 2023

From March 15 to 17, the Jeunesses Med network welcomed 15 members from 8 countries in Paris, France, for a series of activities, meetings and workshops around the issues of citizen participation and youth mobility: a podcast, meetings, a COPIL meeting and a public debate.

March 2023

The REF and the Jeunesses Med network, in partnership with iReMMO, organized a public debate to present the REF's Cahier n8 entitled "Les Jeunesses méditerranéennes s'engagent: émancipations, création, des-espoirs, luttes", on Friday, May 17, 2023 at iReMMO, Paris.

January 2023

The movement of young people in the Mediterranean is becoming more and more complicated. Obstacles to free movement, difficulties in integrating migrants, but also actions and initiatives of young people who have decided to face this problem. Join us at the fifth webinar of our series and share your experiences and opinions, this Tuesday, January 31 at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!). Simultaneous interpretation in three languages will be provided.

November 2022

The 6th annual meeting of the Jeunesses Med network took place in Beirut, from November 23 to 26, 2022! It gathered about 80 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean, around the five themes of the project.

October 2022

Are you a young Mediterranean person who has initiated or participated in awareness campaigns on climate and environmental issues? Come and tell us about your experiences! Join us in our 4th online session which will be open to all your interventions, on Tuesday October 25th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!).

July 2022

What is the point of being active in civil society as a young Mediterranean? Listen with us to the inspiring experiences of committed young people in several countries around the Mediterranean in our second webinar open to the public.

June 2022

Is it easy to be a young social entrepreneur in the Mediterranean region? Join us on Tuesday 28 June at 5pm (Paris time) for a webinar organised by the Jeunesses Med network on youth social entrepreneurship.

February 2022

The Med Youth Network was present at the Forum des Mondes Méditerranéens on 7 and 8 February 2022 in Marseille, France, through a stand in the Village des Projets, and also through an intervention in the agora, presenting the project and the role it plays with young people from 17 Mediterranean countries. This helped to raise awareness among the institutions present about the issues affecting young people and to make them aware of the network.

November 2021

The fifth annual "Mediterranean Youth" meeting was organised in Marseille in November 2021. It brought together nearly 80 young Mediterranean people from 15 countries and committed to the 5 common issues at the heart of the network's project: citizen participation, social and climate justice, mobility and migration, art and culture, employment and vocational training.

June 2021

While waiting for the 5th annual meeting in Marseille, the Med Youth network is organising in June 2021 a series of thematic webinars open to all.

October 2020

A workshop to launch the new cycle of activities of the "Med Youth" network was organised on 21 and 22 October 2020, online (ZOOM), given the health constraints linked to COVID 19. The objective of this workshop was to create links between the new members of the project's Steering Committee and to collectively define the working strategy for the coming year.

April 2019

The fourth annual meeting "Med Youth: We act, you react!" was organised in Tunis from 25 to 27 April 2019, in partnership with Art Rue, CHOUF, FTDES, Shanti, CDP, the Soyons actives/actifs programme and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

October 2018

The REF booklet "Med Youth. Common challenges, a collective commitment", published in October 2018, takes stock of and summarises the discussions, exchanges and debates of the "Mediterranean Youth" meetings in Paris (2015), Casablanca (2017) and Algiers (2018).

June 2018

Le Comité de pilotage constitué de 6 jeunes participants s’est réuni à Tunis, du 26 au 28 juin 2018 pour évaluer la rencontre de Casablanca et préparer la prochaine rencontre prévue à Alger en 2018.

April 2018

The third annual meeting "Med Youth: Point sur les pratiques innovantes en direction des jeunes méditerranéens" was organised from 12 to 14 April 2018 in Algiers, in partnership with Jeunesse + , Act'Or, Sensibilisation Intégration Développement (SID) and the Nova association.

June 2017

The Steering Committee, made up of 7 young participants, met in Paris from 21 to 23 June 2017 to evaluate the Casablanca meeting and prepare the next meeting planned for Algiers in 2018.

April 2017

The second annual meeting "Med Youth: Assessment of young people's situation in the Mediterranean", was organised from 3 to 5 April 2017 in Casablanca, in partnership with the Euromed Morocco Network of NGOs and ONORIENT.

October 2015

The first annual meeting "Med Youth. Being young and a citizen in the Mediterranean", organised on 9 and 10 October 2015 in Paris, laid the foundations for a Euro-Mediterranean dialogue on youth.

Discover the next steps in the Mob in Med! project activity cycle!

Meet the partners of the Mob in Med! project partners: Réseau Euromed France, Jeunesses Med and Mana Chuma Teatro.

July 2022

Crimes and violence against women in the Mediterranean are increasingly making the headlines; however, this violence is not new at all. Join us on Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!) to discuss with our young panelists committed to fighting violence against women in the Mediterranean.
  • +

    Webinar: New forms of engagement for Mediterranean youth

    Zoom January 28, 2025 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. French time
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    Mob in Med! - Back to the Kikckoff Meeting

    On Monday December 2, the 22 participants in the Mob in Med! project met online for the first time for a Kickoff Meeting 🎉. This webinar was an opportunity to : 🤝 introduce the partners 🌍 present Mob in Med! 📸 get to know each other through a photolanguage workshop
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    Launch of Mob in Med!

    The Jeunesses Med network and the Réseau Euromed France (REF), in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, are launching the Mob in Med! project.
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    Press release: Call for applications

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    Webinar: Rurality in the Mediterranean: feedback from young people in France, Tunisia and Palestine.

    Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 5pm (Paris time)
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    Call for tenders for an illustrator

    REF - Réseau Euromed France and the Jeunesses Med network, in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, are looking for an illustrator for their "Mob in Med!
  • +

    The 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med in the Italian media

    See the Rencontre Jeunesses Med in the Italian press and on Italian television!
  • +

    Webinar: Intergenerational commitment: what approach do young people in the Mediterranean have?

    Do you work with people of different generations in your hiring environment? How does this work, and what approach do you take? Join us for the next Jeunesses Med webinar and share your experience with others who can benefit from it, on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 5pm (Paris time, mind the time difference!).
  • +

    A look back at the Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria!

    The 7th edition of the Rencontre Jeunesses Med was held this year in Reggio Calabria (Italy), from June 12 to 15, 2024, and brought together some 70 young people from 16 countries.
  • +

    The Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria draws to a close!

    Around 70 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean gathered in Reggio Calabria (Italy) from June 12 to 15, 2024 for the 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med! Here's a look back at 4 unforgettable days.
  • +

    Set course for Reggio Calabria!

    Breaking news: the 7th annual meeting of the Jeunesses Med network will take place this year in Reggio Calabria, Italy! And after weeks of anticipation, the selection results for the young participants will be announced in mid-March!
  • +

    Webinar 4: What's your experience as a young artist in the Mediterranean? Come and share it!

    Being a committed young artist has its particularities, especially in the context of the various countries around the Mediterranean, where it's not always easy to practice and disseminate one's art, especially when it carries a message.
  • +

    Webinar 3: Freedom of expression and the digital space: how do young people engage online and offline ️‍?

    Do young people feel free to express themselves online? What is the relationship between freedom of expression in the public space and the digital space?
  • +

    Questionnaire on mobility and migration

    As part of the planned campaign on youth mobility and migration in the Mediterranean, the Jeunesses Med network would like to hear the opinions of young people aged between 18 and 35, from 17 Mediterranean countries*, in order to bring their voices, opinions and testimonies into the public arena.
  • +

    "Jeunesses Med vers une égalité des genres" - Cascade financing 2023

    Do you have a project, or an idea for a project, concerning gender equality? This call may be of interest to you! Do you have a project, or an idea for a project, that relates to gender equality? This call might interest you! هل لديك مشروع أو فكرة لمشروع يتعلق بالمساواة الجندريّة؟ قد تهمّك هذه الدعوة!
  • +

    Webinar 2: What is the state of LGBTQ+ rights in the Mediterranean?

    What is the reality of LGBTQ+ rights in the Mediterranean region? Join us to review the state of these communities in several countries of the region, on Wednesday July 12 at 5pm.
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    Finding the connection: what we eat, what we wear and climate change

    We're back with a new cycle of webinars for 2023!
  • +

    Delegation of Jeunesses Med in Paris

    From March 15 to 17, the Jeunesses Med network welcomed 15 members from 8 countries in Paris, France, for a series of activities, meetings and workshops around the issues of citizen participation and youth mobility: a podcast, meetings, a COPIL meeting and a public debate.
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    Public debate: "The Mediterranean Youth are committed: emancipations, creation, des-espoirs, struggles".

    The REF and the Jeunesses Med network, in partnership with iReMMO, organized a public debate to present the REF's Cahier n8 entitled "Les Jeunesses méditerranéennes s'engagent: émancipations, création, des-espoirs, luttes", on Friday, May 17, 2023 at iReMMO, Paris.
  • +

    Webinar - Being young and moving around the Mediterranean: Obstacles, rights and actions

    The movement of young people in the Mediterranean is becoming more and more complicated. Obstacles to free movement, difficulties in integrating migrants, but also actions and initiatives of young people who have decided to face this problem. Join us at the fifth webinar of our series and share your experiences and opinions, this Tuesday, January 31 at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!). Simultaneous interpretation in three languages will be provided.
  • +

    Unforgettable meeting in Beirut!

    The 6th annual meeting of the Jeunesses Med network took place in Beirut, from November 23 to 26, 2022! It gathered about 80 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean, around the five themes of the project.
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    Webinar: Raising awareness on environmental issues: tell us about your experiences!

    Are you a young Mediterranean person who has initiated or participated in awareness campaigns on climate and environmental issues? Come and tell us about your experiences! Join us in our 4th online session which will be open to all your interventions, on Tuesday October 25th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!).
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    Webinar: Why engage as a young Mediterranean in civil society?

    What is the point of being active in civil society as a young Mediterranean? Listen with us to the inspiring experiences of committed young people in several countries around the Mediterranean in our second webinar open to the public.
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    Webinar: Young, Mediterranean, social entrepreneur, how?

    Is it easy to be a young social entrepreneur in the Mediterranean region? Join us on Tuesday 28 June at 5pm (Paris time) for a webinar organised by the Jeunesses Med network on youth social entrepreneurship.
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    Med Youth at the Mediterranean Worlds Forum

    The Med Youth Network was present at the Forum des Mondes Méditerranéens on 7 and 8 February 2022 in Marseille, France, through a stand in the Village des Projets, and also through an intervention in the agora, presenting the project and the role it plays with young people from 17 Mediterranean countries. This helped to raise awareness among the institutions present about the issues affecting young people and to make them aware of the network.
  • +

    Reunited in Marseille, after a long wait!

    The fifth annual "Mediterranean Youth" meeting was organised in Marseille in November 2021. It brought together nearly 80 young Mediterranean people from 15 countries and committed to the 5 common issues at the heart of the network's project: citizen participation, social and climate justice, mobility and migration, art and culture, employment and vocational training.
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    Webinars open to all

    While waiting for the 5th annual meeting in Marseille, the Med Youth network is organising in June 2021 a series of thematic webinars open to all.
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    After the Tunis meeting, structure the governance and communication strategy of the network.

    A workshop to launch the new cycle of activities of the "Med Youth" network was organised on 21 and 22 October 2020, online (ZOOM), given the health constraints linked to COVID 19. The objective of this workshop was to create links between the new members of the project's Steering Committee and to collectively define the working strategy for the coming year.
  • +

    We act, react!

    The fourth annual meeting "Med Youth: We act, you react!" was organised in Tunis from 25 to 27 April 2019, in partnership with Art Rue, CHOUF, FTDES, Shanti, CDP, the Soyons actives/actifs programme and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
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    October 2018

    The REF booklet "Med Youth. Common challenges, a collective commitment", published in October 2018, takes stock of and summarises the discussions, exchanges and debates of the "Mediterranean Youth" meetings in Paris (2015), Casablanca (2017) and Algiers (2018).
  • +

    A look back at the Algiers meeting. And off to Tunis!

    The Steering Committee, made up of 6 young participants, met in Tunis from 26 to 28 June 2018 to evaluate the Casablanca meeting and prepare the next meeting scheduled for Algiers in 2018.
  • +

    Update on innovative practices

    The third annual meeting "Med Youth: Point sur les pratiques innovantes en direction des jeunes méditerranéens" was organised from 12 to 14 April 2018 in Algiers, in partnership with Jeunesse + , Act'Or, Sensibilisation Intégration Développement (SID) and the Nova association.
  • +

    A look back at the meeting in Casablanca. And off to Algiers!

    The Steering Committee, made up of 7 young participants, met in Paris from 21 to 23 June 2017 to evaluate the Casablanca meeting and prepare the next meeting planned for Algiers in 2018.
  • +

    State of play of the situation of young people in the Mediterranean

    The second annual meeting "Med Youth: Assessment of young people's situation in the Mediterranean", was organised from 3 to 5 April 2017 in Casablanca, in partnership with the Euromed Morocco Network of NGOs and ONORIENT.
  • +

    Being young and a citizen in the Mediterranean

    The first annual meeting "Med Youth. Being young and a citizen in the Mediterranean", organised on 9 and 10 October 2015 in Paris, laid the foundations for a Euro-Mediterranean dialogue on youth.
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    Zoom in on the next stages of Mob in Med!

    Discover the next steps in the Mob in Med! project activity cycle!
  • +

    Mob in Med! - Focus on partners

    Meet the partners of the Mob in Med! project partners: Réseau Euromed France, Jeunesses Med and Mana Chuma Teatro.
  • +

    Webinar: Violence against women in the Mediterranean: young people say no!

    Crimes and violence against women in the Mediterranean are increasingly making the headlines; however, this violence is not new at all. Join us on Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!) to discuss with our young panelists committed to fighting violence against women in the Mediterranean.
Our team

Steering Committee

Euromed France Network

Our team

Steering Committee

Euromed France Network

  • Rose Abou Elias



  • Leyane AJAKA

    Platform of French NGOs for Palestine

    France / Palestine

  • Abdelaziz Bousleh



  • Claire Brault

    Secours Catholique Caritas


  • Sarah Chelal

    Network Animation


  • Mercedes Cortés Pereira


  • Laetitia El Haddad

    Coordinator of the Med Youth network


  • Sondos Fakih



  • Swann Harel

    Youth Project Manager


  • Mouloud "Samy" Imedjdab



  • Marion Isvi

    Executive Director of the REF


  • Ichrak Krouna

    Committee for Development and Heritage


  • Rabie Lahbibi



  • Chaden Moataz


  • Clara Olivet



  • Nadjima Saidou



  • Giulia Sostero



  • Eva Tapiero



  • Mayssa Tlig

    Secular Solidarity


  • Juliette Valle

    Arcenciel France


Our supporters



Contact us

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