The Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria draws to a close!

Around 70 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean gathered in Reggio Calabria (Italy) from June 12 to 15, 2024 for the 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med!
Here's a look back at 4 unforgettable days.

7th Med Youth Meeting in Reggio Calabria

This year, the young participants met in Reggio Calabria, a town in southern Italy. This Mediterranean city was chosen because the Calabria region is hard hit by youth emigration and the lack of job opportunities for young people. Located in the Messina basin, Reggio Calabria also has a strong symbolic value, as it represents the geographic center of the Mediterranean. 

The Jeunesses Med network and the Réseau Euromed France (REF) organized this event in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, and in collaboration with the Commune of Reggio Calabria, the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, the Museo Archeologico di Reggio Calabria, and the Communes of Palmi and Bova.

Around 70 young people from 16 countries around the Mediterranean (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey) were able to attend this 7th meeting in southern Italy. However, visa and mobility problems prevented the participation of one Turk, 2 Lebanese, 2 Gazans, 3 Tunisians and 3 young Syrians. As a result, Syria could not be represented at the meeting. 

The program for the Rencontre Jeunesses Med was packed with activities. Participants were able to discover Calabria's associative fabric, take part in themed workshops, take part in a debate on the obstacles to youth mobility in the Mediterranean, and much more!

This unifying event brought together young people from all over the Mediterranean basin who share the same values, the same challenges and the same aspirations. 

To find out more, stay tuned to our social networks! 

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