Zoom in on the next stages of Mob in Med!

Discover the next steps in the Mob in Med! project activity cycle!


As part of the Mob in Med! project, run by REF and Jeunesses Med in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, a group of 22 are taking part in the creation of an advocacy and awareness-raising campaign on the obstacles to mobility faced by young people.

This cycle of activities includes :

- Kickoff Meeting held in early December 2024. (online)

- Workshop on defining the campaign's editorial line - January 2025 (online)
This workshop will be run by REF and online. It will enable us to build the editorial line of the campaign with the group of 22, and to set up the working dynamics.

- Advocacy workshop - February 2025 (online)
This workshop will be run by the Engagé.e.s et Déterminé.e.s association. It will enable young people to learn how to lobby institutions and public authorities.

- Communication and dissemination workshop - March 2025 (online)
This workshop will be run by Mana Chuma Teatro. It will be an opportunity to train young people on how to communicate and disseminate an advocacy campaign so that it reaches a maximum audience.

- A 3-day workshop in Reggio Calabria - May 2025
This workshop will be an opportunity for young people to meet for the first time, finalize the communication campaign and discover the local associative fabric.

Stay tuned for the next steps! 
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