Questionnaire on mobility and migration

As part of the planned campaign on youth mobility and migration in the Mediterranean, the Jeunesses Med network would like to hear the opinions of young people aged between 18 and 35, from 17 Mediterranean countries*, in order to bring their voices, opinions and testimonies into the public arena.

The Jeunesses Med network needs you!

As part of the planned campaign on youth mobility and migration in the Mediterranean, the Jeunesses Med network would like to hear the opinions of young people aged between 18 and 35, from 17 Mediterranean countries*, in order to bring their voices, opinions and testimonies into the public arena.

For further information and to fill in the questionnaire: https: // 

Deadline: Friday, September 29. 

*The countries concerned are : Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. 


The Med Youth network needs you!

In the framework of the upcoming campaign on mobility and migration of the youth in the Mediterranean region, the Med Youth network would like to take the opinion of youth aged between 18 and 35 years and coming from 17 countries of the Mediterranean*, in the aim of making their voices, opinions and testimonies, heard in the public sphere.

For more information and to fill the questionnaire: 

Deadline: Friday September 29. 

*the countries are: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. 


شبكة شباب المتوسّط بحاجة إليكم!

ضمن إطار الحملة المقبلة حول تنقّل الشباب وهجرتهم/نّ في منطقة المتوسّط، تودّ شبكة شباب المتوسّط أن تأخذ آراء الشباب البالغين/ات من العمر بين ١٨ و٣٥ عامًا والقادمين/ات من ١٧ بلد متوسّطيّ*، بهدف رفع صوتهم/نّ، وآرائهم/نّ، وشهاداتهم/نّ، في المساحة العامّة  

للمزيد من المعلومات ولملء الاستمارة:

المهلة: الجمعة في 29 أيلول/سبتمبر
*البلدان هي: الجزائر، قبرص، مصر، إسبانيا، فرنسا، اليونان، إيطاليا، الأردنّ، لبنان، ليبيا، مالطا، المغرب، فلسطين، البرتغال، سوريا، تونس وتركيا. 

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