Webinar: Violence against women in the Mediterranean: young people say no!

Crimes and violence against women in the Mediterranean are increasingly making the headlines; however, this violence is not new at all. Join us on Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!) to discuss with our young panelists committed to fighting violence against women in the Mediterranean.

Webinar: violence against women in the Mediterranean: young people say "no! - Webinar: Young people say "no!" to violence against women in the Mediterranean - جلسة أونلاين: الشباب يقول "لا!" للعنف الممارس ضدّ المرأة في المتوسّط

Crimes and violence against women in the Mediterranean are increasingly making the headlines; however, this violence is not new at all. Join us on Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!) to discuss with our young panelists committed to fighting violence against women in the Mediterranean and to learn more about the situation of women in the different countries of the region. 

NB: participation in the webinar cycle will give you the opportunity to join the Jeunesses Med network.

Register at this link: https: //forms.gle/eim3PD5MqGKuwu829


News about crimes and violence against women are more and more common around the Mediterranean; however, this violence has been going on for a long time. Join on Tuesday October 4th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of timing differences!) to discuss this issue with our young panellists, activists against violence against women in the Mediterranean, and to know more about the situation of women in the different countries of the region.

NB: the participation in the webinar series will give you the possibility to join the Med Youth network. 

You can sign up on this link: https://forms.gle/eim3PD5MqGKuwu829


الأنباء عن الجرائم والعنف المرتكب ضدّ المرأة تتصدّر العناوين في الآونة الأخيرة، إلّا أنّ هذا العنف ليس أبدًا بجديد. انضمّوا إلينا يوم الثلاثاء في الرابع من تشرين الأوّل - أكتوبر عند الخامسة بعد الظهر في توقيت باريس (انتبهوا إلى اختلاف التوقيت!) للتناقش مع المتحدّثين/ات الشباب والشابّات الملتزمين/ات بالنضال ضدّ العنف المرتكب في المرأة منطقة المتوسّط، ولمعرفة المزيد عن واقع حال النساء في مختلف بلدان المنطقة. 

ملاحظة: المشاركة في هذه السلسلة من الجلسات أونلاين ستعطيكم فرصة الانضمام إلى شبكة شباب. 

يمكنكم التسجيل عبر هذا الرابط: https://forms.gle/eim3 PD5MqGKuwu829
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