Webinar: Raising awareness on environmental issues: tell us about your experiences!

Are you a young Mediterranean person who has initiated or participated in awareness campaigns on climate and environmental issues? Come and tell us about your experiences! Join us in our 4th online session which will be open to all your interventions, on Tuesday October 25th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!).

Webinar: Raising awareness on environmental issues: tell us about your experiences! - Webinar: Raising awareness on environmental issues: share your experiences!- جلسة أونلاين: التوعية حول القضايا البيئيّة: شاركونا خبراتكم/نّ!

Are you a young Mediterranean person who has initiated or participated in awareness campaigns on climate and environmental issues? Come and tell us about your experiences! Join us in our 4th online session which will be open to all your interventions, on Tuesday October 25th at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!). 

Simultaneous interpretation in three languages will be provided. 

NB: participation in the webinar cycle will give you the opportunity to join the Jeunesses Med network.

Register at this link: https: //forms.gle/RwX9CnmJWJ7rCeMy5


Are you a young Mediterranean man or woman that has initiated or participated in a campaign to raise awareness on climate and environmental issues? Come share with us your experience!

Meet us in our 4th online session which will this time be open to all your interventions, taking place on Tuesday October 25th at 5PM (Paris time, beware of timing differences!). 

A live simultaneous interpretation to three languages will be available. 

NB: the participation in the webinar series will give you the possibility to join the Med Youth network. 

You can sign up on this link: https://forms.gle/RwX9CnmJWJ7rCeMy5


هل أنت شابّ/ة متوسّطيّ/ة أطلق/ت أو شارك/ت في حملة توعية حول القضايا المناخيّة والبيئيّة؟ نريد أن نستمع إلى خبراتك! 

نحن بانتظارك في جلستنا الرابعة أونلاين التي ستكون مفتوحة هذه المرّة لمشاركاتكم كافّة، والتي ستقع يوم الثلاثاء في 25 تشرين الأوّل- أكتوبر عند الخامسة من بعد الظهر في توقيت باريس (انتبهوا إلى اختلاف التوقيت!).

 إنّ ترجمة فوريّة إلى ثلاث لغات ستكون متوفّرة.

ملاحظة: المشاركة في هذه السلسلة من الجلسات أونلاين ستعطيكم فرصة الانضمام إلى شبكة شباب المتوسّط. 

يمكنكم التسجيل عبر هذا الرابط: https://forms.gle/RwX9CnmJWJ7 rCeMy5

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