A look back at the Jeunesses Med meeting in Reggio Calabria!

The 7th edition of the Rencontre Jeunesses Med was held this year in Reggio Calabria (Italy), from June 12 to 15, 2024, and brought together some 70 young people from 16 countries.

A look back at 4 unforgettable days!

  • Day 1 - Kick-off to the Rencontre
On the first day, participants were welcomed at the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, where they took part in a series of games designed to help them get to know each other, their social commitments and their projects.
In the afternoon, they were able to learn more about the history of Reggio Calabria and the region, thanks to a performance by the Agartha association at the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria (MArRC). Participants then had the opportunity to discover Calabria's archaeological heritage during a tour of the museum.

  • Day 2 - Field trips, excursion to Palmi and theatre performance
On this second day, participants were welcomed by local associations Abakhi, Agaapè, Arci-Samarcanda, Parco Ecolandia and Mana Chuma Teatro to discuss their work, the challenges they face, etc.
They were then welcomed by Casa della Cultura de Palmi to meet with local association Mediterranean Hope and learn more about their work with migrants.s at the Casa della Cultura in Palmi to meet the local association Mediterranean Hope and learn more about their work with migrants.
Finally, the day ended with a theatrical performance of "Come un Granello di sabbia / Comme un petit grain de sable" by Mana Chuma Teatro.

  • Day 3 - Thematic workshops and public debate
Back at the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, participants were divided into 5 groups for thematic workshops: freedom of expression and creation, social and climate justice, employment and training, mobility and migration, and citizen participation. These workshops enabled participants to express themselves, share their experiences and concerns, discuss the challenges they face and the solutions that could overcome them.
In the afternoon, a public debate entitled "The situation of young people in the Mediterranean: between emancipation challenges and obstacles to mobility" was organized. Participants from countries all over the Mediterranean were able to share the challenges they face in terms of mobility in the region.

  • Day 4 - Podcasts, video capsules, music and a trip to Bova
In the morning, participants were divided into small groups to record podcasts on the mobility challenges faced by young people in the Mediterranean, on several levels. Other participants were also interviewed about their social commitment, while another group created a song about Mediterranean youth. Stay tuned to our networks to find out more!
In the afternoon, the whole group travelled to the village of Bova, where the young people met with the Cooperativa San Leo to learn more about their work in sustainable tourism, local and rural development. The closing ceremony then took place at the Spazio cultura del centro storico of the Commune of Bova, where participants received their certificates! Finally, the Jeunesses Med Encounter ended with a concert of traditional music and dance in the village square!

A highlight of the Jeunesses Med network's cycle of activities, this Encounter brought together young people from all over the Mediterranean basin who share the same values, challenges and aspirations.

We would like to thank all the participants, our partners and all those who made this event possible!
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