Call for tenders for an illustrator

REF - Réseau Euromed France and the Jeunesses Med network, in partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro, are looking for an illustrator for their "Mob in Med!

Call for tenders for an illustrator

REF - Réseau Euromed France and the network Jeunesses Medin partnership with Mana Chuma Teatro are looking for an illustrator for their"Mob in Med!

The Mob in Med! project aims to support young people aged 18 to 30 in producing and distributing an awareness-raising campaign on the obstacles to youth mobility in the Mediterranean.

As part of this project, the illustrator's task will be to create a graphic booklet to illustrate the testimonials, experiences and mobility paths of the young people taking part in the project. 

For the selected illustrator, this means being able to : 

  • Gather testimonials from participants through interviews. 
  • Illustrate the participants' mobility journeys and testimonials. 
  • Create preliminary sketches for each illustration. 
  • Make revisions based on feedback. 
  • Produce the final illustrations. 
  • Design the graphic booklet based on the illustrations and written testimonials gathered by REF.

The booklet will be translated into French and English. The production of this booklet will therefore have to be designed in 2 languages. The booklet should faithfully transcribe the obstacles, difficulties, hindrances and challenges encountered by young people in their mobility journey. This mission also includes the complete layout of the booklet. The consultancy can be carried out by one person or in pairs, depending on skills and areas of expertise.


To find out more, please consult the Terms of Reference below.


Application deadline : October 20, 2024 - 11:59 pm (French time )

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