Webinar - Being young and moving around the Mediterranean: Obstacles, rights and actions

The movement of young people in the Mediterranean is becoming more and more complicated. Obstacles to free movement, difficulties in integrating migrants, but also actions and initiatives of young people who have decided to face this problem. Join us at the fifth webinar of our series and share your experiences and opinions, this Tuesday, January 31 at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!).
Simultaneous interpretation in three languages will be provided.

Webinar - To be young and to circulate in the Mediterranean: Obstacles, rights and actions- Webinar - To be young and to circulate in the Mediterranean: Obstacles, rights and actions- جلسة أونلاين - الشباب والتنقّل في منطقة المتوسّط: عوائق، حقوق وفاعِليّة

The movement of young people in the Mediterranean is becoming more and more complicated. Obstacles to free movement, difficulties in integrating migrants, but also actions and initiatives of young people who have decided to face this problem. Join us at the fifth webinar of our series and share your experiences and opinions, this Tuesday, January 31 at 5pm (Paris time, beware of the time difference!). 

Simultaneous interpretation in three languages will be provided. 

NB: participation in the webinar cycle will give you the opportunity to join the Jeunesses Med network.

Register at this link: https: //forms.gle/oo7wSbh7Z9yQh33b8


The circulation of youth in the Mediterranean area is becoming more and more complicated. Obstacles to free mobility, integration difficulties of migrants, but also many actions and initiatives of youth who have decided to face this problematic issue. Join us in the fifth webinar of our cycle and come share your experiences and opinions, this Tuesday January 31st at 5PM (Paris time, beware of timing differences!). 

A live simultaneous interpretation to three languages will be available. 

NB: the participation in the webinar series will give you the possibility to join the Med Youth network. 

You can sign up on this link: https://forms.gle/oo7wSbh7Z9yQh33b8


إنّ تنقّل الشباب والشابّات في منطقة المتوسّط يصبح أكثر تعقيدًا يومًا بعد يوم. حواجز تعيق التنقّل الحرّ، مصاعب تواجه انخراط المهاجرين، ولكن أيضًا فاعِليّة ومبادرات من جهة شباب وشابّات قرّروا أن يواجهوا هذه الإشكاليّة. انضمّوا إلينا في الجلسة الخامسة أونلاين من سلسلتنا وشاركونا خبراتكم/كنّ يوم الثلاثاء المقبل الواقع فيه ٣١ كانون الثاني - يناير،عند الخامسة من بعد الظهر في توقيت باريس (انتبهوا إلى اختلاف التوقيت!).

 إنّ ترجمة فوريّة إلى ثلاث لغات ستكون متوفّرة.

ملاحظة: المشاركة في هذه السلسلة من الجلسات أونلاين ستعطيكم فرصة الانضمام إلى شبكة شباب المتوسّط.

يمكنكم التسجيل عبر هذا الرابط: https://forms.gle/oo7 wSbh7Z9yQh33b8

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