Webinar summary: "Introduction and interconnaissance - Jeunesses Med 2024 meeting".

May 30, 2024: 5pm-6pm

Summary of the exchanges

Host: Laetitia EL HADDAD, Coordinator of the Jeunesses Med network, REF
Speakers: Massimo BARILLA (Mana Chuma Teatro), Ilaria NUCERA (Mana Chuma Teatro), Léo JULES (REF), Swann HAREL (REF). 
On the recommendation of the last Jeunesses Med meeting in Beirut in 2022, this 7th edition benefited from an introductory webinar.
Held less than two weeks before the 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med, this first webinar of the 2024 cycle was an opportunity to introduce the event to all participants. The webinar was designed to enable participants to find out more about the event: what is its program? What are its objectives? Who are the organizers? Why Reggio Calabria? And who are the people with whom they'll be spending four unforgettable days in southern Italy? Against this backdrop, several members of the Jeunesses Med and Mana Chuma Teatro teams took it in turns to answer these questions. 
In a brief introduction, Laetitia EL HADDAD thanked the participants for attending the webinar and congratulated them on being selected for the 7th Rencontre Jeunesses Med
Participants then took part in an online survey to get to know each other. They were able to indicate their country of origin and express their expectations for the event. 
In the first part, the organizers of the event : Réseau Euromed France (REF) and Mana Chuma Teatro presented their organizations. 
Laetitia EL HADDAD presented REF and the Jeunesses Med network. As for Mana Chuma Teatro, the theater company was presented by Massimo BARILLA, president and legal representative of the troupe. 
The second part of the webinar was devoted to introducing participants to the city of Reggio Calabria. Most of them had never been there before. Ilaria NUCERA, a member of Mana Chuma Teatro, presented the town from which she hails. 
In the third part, the REF team gave a more detailed presentation of the various aspects of the event. Laetitia EL HADDAD shared the program outline with participants for the first time. Swann HAREL and Léo JULES then presented the logistical and safety documents, essential to the smooth running of the event. 
Finally, there was time for participants to ask any questions they might have. 
The webinar was a success, enabling participants to learn more about the event, to get to know their peers and the organizers, and to look forward to what will be an unforgettable 4 days. 

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